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Once you know what money you want to go for and how you’re going to present your case, you’ve got to make sure they read it — and you convince them. Here are some tips
1. While everyone who is involved with the project should contribute information, input, and criticism — stick with one good writer. This keeps the style consistent while making sure you include all key information.
2. Write in plain language. Bureaucrats are people, too! Keep it simple and clear. Drop any industry jargon and acronyms. Have someone outside your industry review it for clarity.
3. Keep it short. Long-winded, rambling proposals will lose your reader’s interest and send them reaching for the next in the stack.
4. Keep things energetic and positive. This doesn’t mean cramming your proposal with flowery adjectives. But point to strengths and ways to counter weaknesses. Use active verbs — “We’ll market to plumbers” is more powerful than “Our market will be plumbers”. And vary sentence length to keep things moving.

For information on grants & loans for your new or existing business call 1-800-658-9792 . Or write us at Small Business Funding Centre 1500 Bank Street, Room 425, Ottawa Canada K1H 1B8 or e-mail us.

This Entrepreneurship article was written by The Small Business Funding Centre on 1/13/2006

The SBFC’s mandate is to help new and existing Canadian small businesses gain access to government funding: helping young entrepreneurs gain the knowledge and tools to get funding to help start-up their own practice. Coincidently, they also have an interesting and educational monthly newsletter/online database containing hundreds of articles related to various business topics and related issues.