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Did you know that there are natural remedies for some of the most common skin concerns?  I will provide you with some remedies for three of the top concerns among dermatology patients.

Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog the skin’s pores.
Remedies include:

  • Eating green vegetables, carrots, celery, cucumber, cold-water ocean fish, and brown rice.
  • Avoiding or eliminating sugar, fried food, dairy (especially those containing sugar), and caffeine.
  • Giving yourself a facial with avocado skins or raw honey.
  • Washing your face with warm water twice a day with castile soap, then alternating warm and cold applications.

Eczema is a term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated, with scaling, blisters, and itching. Eczema can be caused by an excess of saturated fat, cold weather, and detergents.
Remedies include:

  • Eating cold-water fish (such as salmon) containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.
  • Avoiding fruit juice, spicy food, fatty food, sweets, and citrus.
  • Applying raw honey or sliced cucumber with vinegar to the irritated skin.
  • Wearing gloves when using chemicals or detergents.

Dry skin is the result of poor nourishment, dehydration, low thyroid function, or soap and chemical exposure.
Remedies include:

  • Increasing water intake
  • Avoiding moisturizers with mineral oil, a petrochemical that is used in many skin care products.  Mineral oil blocks pores and dries skin.
  • Applying olive oil to your skin and using olive oil and coconut oil in your cooking.

  • Making a facial or body mask with half of a banana or avocado and apply to face for 15 minutes.
How do your healthy and beauty products stack up?
Since this month’s topic is healthy skin, I thought I would share with you a website goes into detail about the good, the bad, and the ugly in health and beauty products.  I was surprised by what I learned about some of the natural products I buy.

Women: are you sick and tired of feeling unhealthy and down on yourself? 

If you are ready to make lasting lifestyle changes for yourself and your family, stop your war with food, and get healthy, Amy Lippmann, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, can help.

Sample Amy’s work by listening to a F*REE AUDIO, “Finally, How to Get Healthy Meals on the Table, In No Time.”  You will also receive a complete transcript, pantry essentials list, her mix-and-match meal planning chart, healthy recipes, and much more. Grab your copy now at and start feeling better about your health and fitness.

Amy Lippmann, H.H.C., AADP
Certified Holistic Health Counselor
Coaching for Whole Body Wellness

© 2008 Amy Lippmann, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine? No problem! But here’s what you MUST include: Amy Lippmann, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, is founder of the Whole Body Wellness System™, the proven step-by-step program achieve your health goals and feel more confident in your body. To receive your freebie audio and sign up for her bi-weekly recipes and articles, visit

This Personal Development article was written by Amy Lippmann on 4/21/2008

Amy Lippmann is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with a private health and lifestyle coaching practice. She works with women who are tired of continuously feeling bad about their health and struggle with feeling good in their body, energy level, cravings, and would like to figure out how to be healthy and take good care of themselves.

What makes her services unique is that she not only provides guidance, but also a level of support her clients have never had before. And because of this, Amy’s clients make lasting lifestyle changes, get peace and freedom around food so they can stop beating themselves up, and they enjoy life more.