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If there is one constant in the business world, it is that there are only 24 hours in a day. It is important to be able to make the most out of your time. This way you will be able to get more done and be more successful. The biggest obstacle most people have is a difference between what they want to do and what they need to do. If you do not just want to succeed, but you need to succeed, you will be able to make the most out of your time.

In fact, the desire to succeed is the difference between those who follow the rules of the time clock software and those who run the show. If you are looking to be the one who sets the rules of the time card software, you will be able to do so by following a few important suggestions.

Start Your Day Right 

The best way to start your day comes before you even get in your breakfast. This involves getting some exercise. Getting up a few hours earlier will allow you to get in a full workout which will give you not only the energy, but the mental acuity to make it through the day. You will find that you are more alert and more productive which will allow you to spend less time reenergizing and more time getting things done.

Set Your Schedule

Once you get to work, it is time to set up your day. There will be things on your calendar which you will have to decide whether they need to be there or not. Make sure that you have extra time in your day for problems, unexpected developments or surprise opportunities. If you schedule your day within an inch of its life, you will develop anxiety as well as miss out on opportunities which come along because you do not have time for them.

Aim for a half full schedule, but never go over two thirds. If you notice your schedule for the day is too packed, prioritize and push off less important items to another day which is not quite so full. This way you will be able to give ample attention to everything on your schedule.

Set Goals

While you probably have life goals, 10 year goals and even 5 year or one year goals, you need to have daily goals. Try to pick three things you want to accomplish during the course of the day. If you have not at least have made headway on the three items at the end of the day, push on. Do not push over to the next day. Keep working. The more you get done today, the more you will get done tomorrow. Attacking your goals from hardest to easiest will help to accomplish everything you had for yourself.

Avoid Interruptions

Interruptions come in all forms. The ones you are looking to avoid are the ones you can put off until later. This does not include phone calls from employees or colleagues and clients. Look at things like memos and more after work hours so that you can concentrate on the work ahead of you instead. You will find that the interruptions will both be important and need to be scheduled for later or they will be needless interruptions which would have caused you to lose productivity.

Have Great Employees

One of the best ways to be more productive is to have great support. Whether this is a great assistant or a great staff which works under you, the brighter and more competent they are, the more you can delegate to them so that you can concentrate on big picture ideas. Lean on them to push harder and get more accomplished. Always be on the lookout for those employees who show more potential than they are being given and make sure that they are given opportunities.

Get More Done Outside of Work Hours

When the work day is over, you do not stop thinking. If you are passionate about your success, you will take the opportunity to look at the different things you need to succeed. This includes reviewing industry reports and important manuals, periodicals and books. The more you are willing to dedicate yourself to your success, the more you will find the time to get done the things you want to get done.

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This Business article was written by Shannon Suetos on 9/24/2010

Shannon Suetos is the online editor at Resource Nation. She writes expert advice for small businesses and entrepreneurs.