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Philippi Marketing & Associates | | President | 01/17/2003 | Sole Proprietor
Chris Philippi##comma## a marketing consultant##comma## is founder and President of Philippi Marketing & Associates.

What kind of training or education did you acquire before your venture?
Chris Philippi holds a Bachelor##aps##s Degree in Marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Before going into marketing consulting he was at one time a top producing sales and marketing representative in the state of New Jersey for a large corporation.

What services or products does your organization offer?
Philippi Marketing & Associates helps small to mid-sized service businesses 1) acquire new customers or clients##comma## 2) put systems into place to maximize customer retention and repeat business##comma## 3)differentiate one company##aps##s services from other related companies in the same industry##comma## and 4) plan for strategic moves to ensure long term stability and success.

What type of business or organization do you operate?
Sole Proprietorship##comma## but plans to soon turn LLC.

How many employees do you currently have?
1 full time employee

How did you originally discover the idea for your organization?
The business model used is one of education based marketing. It takes consultative selling to another level. Since the target market is not large corporations##comma## we are focusing on smaller businesses that may not be accustomed to the services and benefits of consultants. We obtain new clients by initiating ##quote##problem recognition##quote## in our prospects first. This is often done by providing data in the form of articles or reports that state marketing trends##comma## plans##comma## and tactics that could benefit their business. This leads to an initial consultation and eventually into consulting projects and long term business relationships.

How did you originally fund your organization?
Personal funds. It is the best way to go if you can afford it.

Are you the founder of your organization?
Yes##comma## founder and visionary of the company.

Do you believe there is any distinct culture within your organization? If so, please describe it.
The distinct corporate culture is one of continual development and empowerment. Our enthusiasm for business is passed on to our clients who benefit from the strong wave of momentum gearing them towards success.

What obstacles or challenges have you faced in your organization?
In the beginning##comma## we struggled in truly identifying our target market. We also tried to provide too many services to too broad of a market. Since then we have narrowed our scope to catering to small to mid-sized service businesses.

Did you accept any advice along the way? Do you believe new organizations should be open to such advice?
Advisors are everything to a young entrepreneur##aps##s success. Former college professors##comma## other successful business owners##comma## and fellow marketers make up my ##quote##peer group.##quote## I highly recommend all entrepreneurs surround themselves with successful people.

Did you receive any help along the way from other businesses or organizations? If so, how and from whom?
I wouldn##aps##t single out one organization particularly##comma## but regularly attending networking meetings hosted by various groups have helped me make the business connections necessary to strengthen my network. NJBIZ##comma## New Media Association of NJ##comma## The Entrepreur Connection##comma## Venture Association of New Jersey##comma## Net Biz Group are some associations where I have made some valuable contacts.

What have been the keys to success in your business? What do you believe are the keys to success?
Research & Development has been critical to the success of this company##comma## particularly in the areas of direct marketing##comma## long range strategic planning##comma## and internet marketing/search engine marketing. Since our services are based on knowledge geared to helping our clients##comma## we make it a point to put a significant investment into continual improvement of our offerings.

What kind of relationship do you establish with your customers or clients?
We have found great success in side stepping the competition. We have done this by targeting different market segments of businesses and using different tactics not commonly used by marketing consultants.

What types of marketing do you employ?
1) Power Networking. I make it a regular point to share ideas and referrals with others. In return the favor is often paid back to me.
2) Seminars. I have given a series of seminars ranging from sales communication skills to advertising##comma## direct mail tactics##comma## and networking skills.
3) Internet Marketing. We generate leads from the Internet. Our website##comma## is ranked # 1 on AOL for the search: ##quote##Marketing Consultants New Jersey##quote## as of today##comma## 1/17/03.

Do you employ any web or online marketing?
The Internet has played a huge role in our business. From networking globally##comma## to researching##comma## to marketing our services I would have to admit I would be lost without the Internet.

What role does trust play in business or in your organization?
Like I mentioned earlier##comma## trying too hard to be everything to everyone held us back. This is common marketing knowledge that I share freely with everyone I know. However##comma## it is tempting to want to serve all markets. Specializing and focusing on a specific market niche is really the way to go. Since changing our focus in this way our business has benefitted very well.

Did you struggle with starting your own organization or venture? Why did you decide to begin on your own?
A bit of both. I knew from an early age##comma## as young as a Junior in college that I could see myself as a CEO. It wasn##aps##t until I was out of college and with a few years in marketing management under my belt that I decided starting a consulting firm was right for me.

What books or resources would you recommend for individuals starting off now?
1) Not to scare anyone off with the topic of religion##comma## but faith in Christ has helped me a lot lately. Therefore##comma## I would recommend the Holy Bible as source # 1.
2) Anything by Tony Robbins is an also a must. If possible##comma## attend his weekend seminar##comma## Unleash The Power Within. It changed my life dramatically!
3) Confessions of Shameless Self Promoters by Debbie Allen. You need to aggressively market yourself to make it in this business world.
4)Any books or resources relating to the business or industry you want to enter.

Do you notice any trends in the marketplace? If so, what are they?
I witness a strong push towards strategic alliances/joint ventures. However##comma## many will fail because they are done for the wrong reasons or for self serving reasons. The JV##aps##s that will prosper will share a common purpose to better serve the same market better.
The Internet is here to stay and companies that can target their customers better through search engines will prosper.
The companies that do not embrace change in marketing strategies and tactics are going to have a tough time catching up to their competitors who take a proactive stance to gain market share now.

Do you believe networking and contacts are important? If so, how?
Very important. It is also easier than one may think. Just ##quote##get out there##comma####quote## be helpful to others##comma## and be grateful when someone helps you.

What do you think about contracts and other legal obligations? Are they important in your business?
If you have a strong calling to ditch the 9-5 job and go out on your own##comma## can stand up to obstacles##comma## and persevere then I say very enthusiastically to go for it! It can be done.

If there is one thing that would sum up your advice to new entrepreneurs, what would it be?
Some CEO##aps##s have gotten by without a college background##comma## but realize they make up a small percentage. I have gained about 80% of my knowledge and expertise outside of the academic classroom and post-college. However##comma## without laying the groundwork set up by a college degree##comma## I would not be where I am today.

What, if any, final advice do you have for new entrepreneurs?
1) Identify your own greatest strengths##comma## such as expertise or superior level of knowledge in an area.
2) Determine if these skills you possess can create a viable business.
3) If so##comma## identify who would most likely pay for your business idea##comma## services##comma## or products.
4) Analyze your competition and the competiting industry that you are considering entering. Is it worth it? Is the market large enough that focusing on a small niche can be profitable enough for you?
5) Determine your marketing strategy. Will you tackle your competition head on##comma## or look to serve markets not being paid much attention to by other companies.
6) How will you price your business? How does your pricing strategy match up to competitors##aps## offers and the budgets and needs of your best customers?
7) What message will you communicate about your value to your potential customers?
8) How will you deliver your message? What tactics will be best to reach them? Internet##comma## Direct Mail##comma## Sales##comma## Networking##comma## Advertising##comma## Publicity##comma## Seminars##comma## Free Samples/Consultations##comma## etc.
9) Have a customer service process in place. A successful marketing strategy will bring you new business. You want to make sure you are prepared for incoming requests##comma## calls##comma## and new customers.
10) At all times##comma## look for ways to retain customers or to gain repeat business. This goes beyond extraordinary service. This is important##comma## yet you have to structure your business to accommodate the changing and evolving needs of your

This addedinterviews article was written by Chris Philippi on 3/9/2005

Chris Philippi is president of Philippi Marketing & Associates, a retail consulting firm specializing in helping independent retailers and small retail chains increase sales quickly, easily, and without expensive advertising. Chris is co-author of The Worlds Greatest Business Mentors and is available for speaking engagements and consulting around the world. Contact him at
or toll free at (866) 391-5727 or online at