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It makes sense that I’ve been thinking about making resolutions recently, but I started to realize that it wasn’t really because of the new year. I find that when I go on vacation or slow down that it gives me a chance to reflect on what’s working and what’s not working in my life. I start to ask myself, “What would I like to change or do differently?”

Making resolutions should not be about forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do. In fact, it should be quite the opposite. It should give you the opportunity to set an intention about how you will continue to make your life the best it can be.

Do you know the truth about new year’s resolutions?
Most people make resolutions such as, “I will lose weight” or “I will take more time to relax.” These are fine goals to have, but they are very general and can feel overwhelming. When we feel overwhelmed what usually happens? We don’t know where to start and so we don’t take any action. Or, we think we have to do all or nothing and when we can’t seem to do it all we feel like a failure and give up. When I make resolutions, I don’t really think of them necessarily as my BIG goals for the entire year, but as small things I want to focus on over the next couple of months that I expect will have a BIG impact on my wellbeing.

I’ll give you an example.

I have made two new year’s resolutions:
1) I will take a 10 minute walk in the middle of the weekdays.
2) I will take a 10 minute walk with my husband Steve 5 times each week.

Each of these resolutions relate to larger goals
I have to get more movement, reduce stress, stay connected with Steve, and to ward off winter weight gain. The resolutions are specific and practical. They’re like baby steps. But now here’s the thing that I’ve found makes all the difference in the world. Once you have decided on one or two realistic and specific resolutions, share them with someone and write them down. Trust me, you will feel much more committed to your resolutions and you will have the support of the people you shared your new goals with.

Your assignment:
Take a few minutes, right now, to think about one or two things you would like to start doing today that will help you make your life the best it can be.

Remember to:
– Make them specific
– Make them realistic
– Have them relate to a larger goal
– Write them down
– Share them with at least one person in your life

Women: are you sick and tired of feeling unhealthy and down on yourself? 

If you are ready to make lasting lifestyle changes for yourself and your family, stop your war with food, and get healthy, Amy Lippmann, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, can help.

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Amy Lippmann, H.H.C., AADP
Certified Holistic Health Counselor
Coaching for Whole Body Wellness

© 2008 Amy Lippmann, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine? No problem! But here’s what you MUST include: Amy Lippmann, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, is founder of the Whole Body Wellness System™, the proven step-by-step program achieve your health goals and feel more confident in your body. To receive your freebie audio and sign up for her bi-weekly recipes and articles, visit

This Personal Development article was written by Amy Lippmann on 4/17/2008

Amy Lippmann is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with a private health and lifestyle coaching practice. She works with women who are tired of continuously feeling bad about their health and struggle with feeling good in their body, energy level, cravings, and would like to figure out how to be healthy and take good care of themselves.

What makes her services unique is that she not only provides guidance, but also a level of support her clients have never had before. And because of this, Amy’s clients make lasting lifestyle changes, get peace and freedom around food so they can stop beating themselves up, and they enjoy life more.